When boy seeing a girl, who he realizes talking with…
A BOY: #hi{}
A GIRL: Hi? Where I..??
B: I’ve been following your posts with I’ve enjoyed for two months.
G: What the fu..??
B: Your sketches… I realize you are designer whose heart was killed by a boy own self.
G: It means???!! He?
B: Sometimes, whoever sees you…
G: Not you, ha?
B: He thinks how to fix the heart, which would be a couple again.
G: So? There’s a fact, either the boy might be known as {{bad_ass}} or I don’t c#.
B: If he dreams all the nights nobody can do?
G: He should be ashamed looking her eyes…
B: It’s very terrifying possibility as well.
G: And he absolutely must be sure about it!
B: As you saw this morning…
G: Who believes in him again?
B: Here we are. Just think about that.
G: If…
B: Yeap. That’s what I thought.
G: </brain>
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