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Go, Just So

March 23, 2020

— Before you should read The Revolution

“I think an ability is a part of experience.

We don’t have a power how to die.

When the time comes,

a power that we have is,

how to draw a sketch of dying.

Just on our hands.

I often can’t sleep.

So, such a moment goes around,

where I would get used to use my skills.

Besides, it is not by chance.

Thanks anyway…

— Now, I’m whistling a song from a ghypsy to the nature. *

It is how it is going…

The past runs away from a moment where we get stuck in, and I live life fully with a pleasure of seeing the future.

The walking away from a people who don’t give a behavior to me, is a period of a few years.

It happens.

If you want it.

Because of there is no another life gotten before passed one…

Make sure they are confused all bout you.

Stay stronger!


Just Go.


Thanks for everyting, K.A”


~ Another stronger and survived part of me from another moment of 2018.

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