Hundreds of meters below the earth’s surface lay the Shadow City, a place built long ago as a sanctuary for those who fled the...
Part 1: Getting Stuck on the Issue INT. SHIT FACILITY – NIGHT We meet our protagonist, HARRIET, a talented software engineer, as she navigates...
In the heart of a bustling metropolis, amidst the ceaseless rhythm of life, stood Eva. She was a solitary figure, adrift in the currents...
“At that moment, I recalled a quote from Albert Camus’s work ‘The Stranger’: ‘The absurd is beyond all life. True consciousness establishes a dizzying...
“One day, in an old tavern, Albert Camus and Franz Kafka were sitting, sipping their whiskies. Camus, narrating Samuel Beckett’s tendency to disappear, remarked,...
In the recesses of V’s mind, V decided it was time for a change .V started by reconnecting with V’s long-lost passions.V began to...
At the heart of the questionn, the frustrating journey of humanity, the world’s current state is, a shit to human innovation, discovery, and ambition....
Have you ever gazed up at the night sky, pondering the complexity, of the world we inhabit? From the majestic illusions, to the depths...
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